Saturday, September 8, 2007

The U.S. an Islamic Republic?

Osama bin Laden wants the United States to abandon Democracy and turn into an Islamic state? I thought that's what the ACLU was pushing. Is this guy off his rocker? I'm waiting for Osama to endorse Hillary Clinton for president.

And speaking of president, Fred Thompson made it official. It's going to get interesting for the GOP, which can still pull out the 2008 election because half the country will never vote to put a Clinton back in the White House.

I found a really great Web site called The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth. Check it out if you've got some time.

Finally, I'm on a quest to find at least one good conservative/patriotic blogger in each of the 50 states.

So far, I've found blogs in:

Arizona, The Pro Bono Patriot

Texas, TexasFred's

Pennsylvania, TONY PHYRILLAS

Ohio, Invincible Armor.

If you have any suggestions, send them along. Massachusetts is going to be tough.


TexasFred said...

Thank you for the Hat Tip, it IS seriously appreciated...

mRed said...

I ditto Texas Fred. You are very kind.

lee said...

I'm always looking for patriotic American stuff. We need more of it.