Monday, January 21, 2008

Stay in the race, Fred Thompson

I came across a Web site that helps you figure out how closely you agree with the current crop of presidential candidates in a recent post by TONY PHYRILLAS.

I took the poll at and was a bit surprised at my results. Not the top (Fred Thompson) but how high Romney and McCain scored).

Here's how the site ranks the candidates who come closest to my stance on the issues:

1) Fred Thompson
2) Mike Huckabee
3) Mitt Romney
4) John McCain
5) Ron Paul

I don't know what it is about Fred Thompson's message that is not getting through to voters.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Obama and the Muslim question

I've received several forwarded e-mails about Barack Obama's Muslim background. There seems to be conflicting information out there. I came across this post at Tony Phyrillas about some of the research. Interesting stuff.

I can't believe Democrats would be foolish enough to nominate somebody with a Muslim background. Sen. Obama's people better address this question before his campaign goes any further.